Industry News
Testosterone enanthate Powder, along with other AAS raw powders, is a schedule III controlled substance in the United States under the Controlled Substances Act and a schedule IV controlled substance in Canada under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act... View More>>
history and development of testosterone enanthate... View More>>
testosterone enanthate and testosterone propionate, testosterone enanthate powder, testosterone propioante powder... View More>>
The Half Life of Testosterone Enanthate is the time required for a quantity (of substance) to reduce to half of its initial value after the injection into body.The medical sciences refer to the biological half-life of drugs and other chemicals in the huma... View More>>
Testosterone enanthate raw powder is white crystalline powder in low temperature and its melting point is 34-39°C. Test e powder would change into solid block if the temperature is about 30 degrees centigrade because part of test e powder melt in the long... View More>>
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